Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Happy Life

     I have been wanting to go hiking so badly lately but have not had the chance. Whether it is rain or snow, the weather has been really bad here in Cedar City lately. I am SO tired of it. I love hiking so much because it is an awesome way to get exercise and see the beautiful things Heavenly Father created for us at the same time. This past weekend we had plans to go backpacking with some friends and I was really excited. The rain put a huge damper on that, so Carl and I decided to go to Vegas where it was forecasted to be nice and dry. We found this really cool hike in Red Rock called "Fern Canyon." It was so beautiful, I almost forgot that we were in Vegas!! Also, the weather was awesome for a morning hike. It was a lot of fun and I really liked hanging out with my cute hubby. 

On top of that, I got to spend the rest of the weekend with my family. I am having a hard time believing that my little sister is graduating in a few weeks. Time flies so quickly! She has become such a beautiful person inside and out. I am so thankful for her and the example she has set for me in my life. She is one of the sweetest and most sincere people I know. She has been a hard worker in her high school years with all of her AP classes, part time Job, and being a good friend to everyone she surrounds. We have had so much fun together over the past years with playing Barbies, to being shopping buddies. I love all of our late night phone calls and I am going to miss her even more when she moves all the way up north. I love having such an awesome sister! Congrats to her and all of the other 2015 graduates. Keep up the great work!
Seriously though… Look how gorgeous she is!! <333


  1. You're awesome Taylor!! I love that picture of Renn...were those her Senior pictures? Very cute! Love you guys!

    1. Thanks! Yes they were! We love you too !!! :)
